Managing our program based on the ASCA National Model
*What are our duties?
*How do these duties fit into the model's framework of responsibilities for Professional School Counselors?
4 Delivery System Elements:
Counseling Curriculum
Individual Student Planning
Responsive Services
System Support
Counseling Curriculum:
*Grade level college and career education
*Course planning/4-year plan presentations
*Small group counseling
*Parent presentations
Individual Student Planning:
*Senior conferences
*Junior conferences/small groups
*Individual scheduling conferences
*Senior letters
*College applications
*Recommendation forms & letters
*Scholarships & financial aid assistance
*Special education meetings
*504 meetings
*Individual counseling
Responsive Services:
*Student incident reflection form
*Individual counseling
Tier 2 supports
System Support:
*UHS Student Ambassadors
*ISASP and other district testing
*Coordinating scheduling process
*Staff presentations
*Special education meetings
*504 meetings
*Professional development