If students are interested in tutoring, here are some options:
1) Teachers may be available for extra help before or after school. Contact teachers for more details.
2) Learning Centers are available during the school day to help students who are struggling.
3) Teachers can draft students for intervention, and students can request to be drafted for help during intervention time.
4) Our district office may provide a list of tutors who are approved by UCSD.
5) Other resources:
Tutor.com for Military Families
Khan Academy
Learn To Be
1) Teachers may be available for extra help before or after school. Contact teachers for more details.
2) Learning Centers are available during the school day to help students who are struggling.
3) Teachers can draft students for intervention, and students can request to be drafted for help during intervention time.
4) Our district office may provide a list of tutors who are approved by UCSD.
5) Other resources:
Tutor.com for Military Families
Khan Academy
Learn To Be